As new puppy owners, taking your furry friend to a veterinarian for an examination and setting up a vaccine schedule is important. Our vets in Weldon Spring explain the significance of these initial puppy shots. Additionally, we'll provide you with a schedule for your puppy's vaccinations that you can keep handy.

Why Are Puppy Shots Important?

Vaccines for dogs, just like those designed for humans, play a crucial role in protecting your pet from various serious and potentially fatal conditions. These diseases can spread quickly among unvaccinated dogs in the Weldon Spring area. While it might seem inconvenient and expensive to take your new puppy to the vet frequently during their first year, their first vaccinations and annual renewals safeguard them against illnesses and ensure they live a long, healthy, and happy life.

What Illnesses Will My Puppy's Vaccinations Address?

Vaccines recommended for puppies and adult dogs in Weldon Spring help to prevent and reduce the severity of illnesses such as hepatitis, distemper, bordetella, rabies, and parvovirus. 

Our vets can recommend a set of vaccinations that are most suitable for your puppy based on where you live and your dog's age, lifestyle, and other factors. 

DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus)

The combination vaccine offers protection against canine distemper (D), infectious hepatitis/adenovirus (H), parvovirus (P), and parainfluenza (P). Distemper, infectious hepatitis, and parvovirus vaccines are categorized as core vaccines, indicating that every dog should receive them, regardless of location or lifestyle.


Bordetella bronchiseptica is a type of bacteria that can cause inflammation in a dog's upper respiratory system, leading to coughing and illness. This illness is commonly known as kennel cough and can also expose your furry friend to other secondary infections. If your dog frequently spends time around other dogs in social settings such as boarding, daycare centers, dog parks, and shows, veterinarians suggest administering the Bordetella non-core vaccine to prevent the disease.


Leptospirosis is a disease caused by the leptospira bacteria. This bacteria is usually found in water and soil in rivers, lakes, and streams. It is a zoonotic disease, which means it can spread from animals to humans. The symptoms of this disease can be severe and include diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy, muscle tenderness, fever, shivering, and other flu-like symptoms. If left untreated, leptospirosis can cause permanent damage to the kidneys or liver. A non-core vaccine is available to reduce the risk of infection in dogs at an increased exposure risk. If you are not sure whether your dog could benefit from this vaccine, please ask your veterinarian.


The rabies virus is a deadly disease that can negatively affect the brain. It is transmitted through contact with the saliva of an infected animal, and unfortunately, it almost always leads to death. Once the symptoms appear, dogs and other animals can usually be expected to die within a few days. Sadly, there is no cure for the virus, so protecting your pet's health is important by ensuring they receive a rabies shot. Our veterinarians located throughout Weldon Spring highly recommend the rabies vaccine as an essential vaccine for puppies.

Puppy Vaccination Chart

6 - 8 Weeks

  • *DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus) Shot 1

10 - 12 Weeks

  • Booster: *DHPP Shot 2
  • Bordetella (Optional)
  • Leptospirosis (Optional)

14 - 16 Weeks

  • Booster: *DHPP Shot 3
  • Bordetella (Optional)
  • Leptospirosis (Optional)
  • Rabies
  • Spay (female)
  • Neuter (male)

12 to 16 Months

  • Final Booster: *DHPP Shot
  • Final Booster: Bordatella
  • Final Booster: Leptospirosis
  • Rabies

*DHPP: this vaccine protects your dog against a combination of illnesses: Distemper, Adenovirus, Parvovirus and Parainfluenza.

Age Restrictions

Ask your vet to find out more about what vaccines are appropriate for your dog when they are still a puppy. Depending on your pet's age, their immune system may not be strong enough to effectively be boosted by all shots. 

Age Restrictions

It's important to consult your veterinarian to determine which vaccines are suitable for your puppy. Depending on your pet's age, their immune system may not be strong enough to respond effectively to all vaccinations. Therefore, it's essential to seek advice from a professional to ensure your puppy receives the appropriate shots.

How Much Do Vaccines for Puppies Cost?

The cost of your dog's vaccinations can vary depending on your puppy's health status, age, lifestyle, and exposure risks. When you bring your puppy to our veterinary clinic in Weldon Spring, we will thoroughly examine it and recommend appropriate vaccinations based on its needs. 

It's worth keeping in mind that investing in preventative care, such as vaccinating your puppy, can have long-term benefits. This proactive approach helps prevent conditions and diseases that can cause serious illness and shorten your four-legged friend's lifespan, rather than waiting to treat them after they occur.

If you have any concerns or questions about vaccines, please feel free to raise them with your vet. We are always happy to address any inquiries you may have.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Is it time for your puppy's shots? Contact Tender Care Animal Hospital today for advice and to book an exam.